Kazakhstan is one of the most prospective countries in the world for a number of metals. It ranks as a top 10 producer globally for copper, uranium, chromite, zinc, coal and iron ore. Despite its vast mineral reserves, it has remained largely under-explored since the 1980s.
In 2018, when Kazakhstan reformed its sub-soil minerals code and adopted a new mining code based on the Western Australian model, Kazakhstan moved away from a contractual regime to a licensing regime for solid minerals, and concurrently reduced a considerable amount of the administrative burdens for sub-soil users. Today, Kazakhstan is gaining reputation as a top mining jurisdiction that understands mineral development and encourages foreign investment across this sector.
Major global mining companies, including Glencore, Cameco, PolyMetal and ArcelorMittal, are currently operating mines in the country. Other companies such as Rio Tinto and Fortescue are actively advancing exploration and development opportunities. Kazakhstan has a long mining history with established infrastructure throughout the country, including major highways, railways, power generation, and a highly skilled workforce. The capital city, Astana, is located only 300 kilometres on a paved, four-lane highway from Arras Mineras’ Beskauga Project.
Today, Kazakhstan is open for business. We are excited to be operating in a country that is emerging as the next go-to opportunity for mineral development globally.
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