Elemes Project (Elemes and Aimandai Licenses) 


The Elemes project consists of two exploration licenses covering 531.2 square kilometers and is located 23km to the southwest of the town of Ekibastuz. Copper mineralization was discovered by the Soviets during regional exploration programs conducted in the 1950s, that identified a large Cu-Mo geochemical target.


The property geology is dominated by interbedded intermediate volcanic and sedimentary rocks, into which a series of intrusive rocks have been emplaced. Copper-gold mineralization consists of sheeted and/or stockwork quartz-chalcopyrite veins associated with Diorite and Monzodiorite porphyry intrusions and mapping has also identified several high-grade low-sulphidation epithermal veins and represent a second exploration target at Elemes. 


A property-wide soil sampling program conducted by Arras from 2022 to 2024, totaling more than 35,000 samples defined two large Cu-Mo-As geochemical trends called Berezski and Aimandai.

Plan map showing copper soil anomalies at Berezski and Aimandai Targets (Elemes Project).


The extensive soil sampling program undertaken with results announced in Q1 2024 identified two major soil geochemical anomalies – Berezski and Aimandai. 

Berezski Central

Berezski Central is mapped as a 1.5 x 0.5 km area of outcropping Argillic alteration with local remnants of quartz-hematite (after pyrite) veins and veinlets. Rocks are saturated with pervasive iron oxides and hematite dissemination suggesting pyrite rich system. Argillic alteration is a mixture of kaolinite-illite with low presence of Quartz. Oxidation zone is strongly developed on the surface leaving usually saprolite as a final product but with recognizable textures of intrusive rock. 

Drilling completed by Arras in 2024, holes intersected porphyry-style copper-gold mineralization starting from the surface. Mineralization consists of quartz - pyrite ± chalcopyrite veins and disseminated pyrite. Minor chalcocite (evidence for supergene enrichment) was observed occasionally in the upper portion of the drill-holes.

Cross-section looking NW showing key intercepts in drill-holes EL24001, EL24002 and EL24003. The cross-section demonstrates a strong porphyry-epithermal style of alteration hosting widely spread, consistent mineralization. 

Berezski East 

The mineralization at Berezski East is interpreted as a gold-rich copper-gold porphyry deposit, part of a much larger porphyry-epithermal system. Drilling by Arras confirmed high-grade, near-surface gold mineralization, predominantly represented by veins of quartz and quartz-pyrite, with occasional chalcopyrite. Magnetite and quartz-magnetite veins and veinlets prevail throughout almost the entire drill hole.

Cross-section looking NE showing key intercepts in drill-holes EL24001 and EL24004. The cross-section demonstrates a strong porphyry-epithermal style of alteration hosting consistent mineralization. 

Berezski North

Historic shallow drilling at Berezski North focused on areas of structurally controlled hydrothermal breccias, that have been overprinted by later low temperature epithermal quartz veins. The company believes that these breccias represent the lower temperature top to a porphyry copper system, and 

hole EL24005, the first deep drill-hole in this appears to have tapped into the mineralized root of the breccias, the hole transitioned from low temperate epithermal dominant mineralization at surface to higher-temperature porphyry-style mineralization at depth.

The company also discovered a second area of porphyry-style mineralization, approximately 1km to the west of EL24005, where drill hole EL24006 intersected propylitic altered diorites that have been partially overprinted by argillic alteration, with quartz-pyrite-chalcopyrite porphyry-style veins and disseminated pyrite and chalcopyrite mineralization.

Cross-section looking N showing key intercepts in drill-holes EL24005 and EL24006. The cross-section demonstrates a strong porphyry style mineralization in EL24005 represented by sheeted Qtz-Py-Cpy veining that is extending well beyond Tourmaline Na/K-Feldspar hydrothermal breccia by depth. 800.0 m distance between collars of drill holes EL24005 and EL24006.


The gold-silver mineralization is hosted in zone of quartz veining (individual veins between 0.5 to 1 m width), that display typical low sulphidation textures including crustiform banding, euhedral crystal infill of vein voids, and bladed textures (quartz after calcite) (Figure 2 below). A zone of strong silicification and argillic (kaolinite-illite-quartz) alteration surrounds the quartz veins.

Sampling of the veins by Arras minerals (link to news release here) returned grades up to 29 g/t Au, 287 g/t Ag and 238 ppm Te, and a single hole drilled in 2024, returned several narrow zones of veining and silicification and disseminated pyrite, hosted in phyllic/argillic altered andesites and diorites.

Plan map of the K-Ozek target showing location of drill-hole EL24009, mapped veins and grab sample locations.


Arras completed its initial 11 hole 4031.8m drill program in December 2024, focusing on the Berezski Trend. Holes were planned to explore the four principal targets, to learn more about geology, alteration and style of mineralization at each target.

Plan map showing 2024 drill-holes overlain on soil Cu geochemical anomalies

Berezski Target (Elemes Project) Phase 1 drill results released Q1 2025

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