The Tay Project (“Tay”) is an exploration license that covers 118km2 in northeastern Kazakhstan and is located within the Bozshakol-Chingiz magmatic arc, an under explored emerging porphyry province. Tay is located 28km to the north of the Bozshakol open pit copper-gold mine operated by Kaz Minerals.


A review of the Soviet-era geology maps indicate that the geology at Tay is dominated by volcano-sedimentary and sedimentary rocks cut by several major fault zones, intruded by a series of intrusives stocks. It is thought that the historic chargeability anomaly is related to a porphyry-Cu-Au deposit that is covered by 10-40m of quaternary cover.


Regional Soviet-era geophysical surveys identified 5.8km x 2.1km E-W trending inducted-polarization (“IP") chargeability anomaly comparable to the operating Bozshakol mine. No historic drilling is believed to have taken place.

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